Proxy Mode

Using Jolokia in proxy mode enables for agentless operation on the target server. A dedicated agent deployment proxies by accepting Jolokia requests as input, translating them to JSR-160 requests for the target. This setup is described in Proxy Mode. As noted there, the real target is given within the original request, which must be sent as a POST request.

Agents of all types support the proxy mode. However, since one has usually the free choice of platform for a dedicated Jolokia proxy, an environment optimized for HTTP communication should be used. These are either servlet container or Jakarta EE server hosting the WAR agent or an OSGi runtime with an OSGi CMPN Whiteboard extender (which in turn is typically based on an embedded servlet container like Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow).

In Jolokia 1.x, proxy mode is turned on or off depending on dispatcherClasses option. If it contains org.jolokia.jsr160.Jsr160RequestDispatcher, proxy mode will be enabled, because this special dispatcher will be used.

In Jolokia 2, org.jolokia.service.jsr160.Jsr160RequestHandler is detected as Jolokia service, so it’s a matter of having jolokia-service-jsr160.jar on the CLASSPATH.

jolokia-agent-war.war includes WEB-INF/lib/jolokia-service-jsr160.jar, so proxy mode is enabled. If you want to remove proxy support, you have to repackage jolokia-agent-war.war without this library.

Additionally you can configured a white list with patterns for all allowed JMX service URL in a Jolokia Request. This white list is a plain text file which contains RegExp patterns line by line. Lines starting with # are ignored. Pattern matching is performed case insensitive. This file can be configured in various ways:

  • Repackaging the jolokia-agent-war.war and adapt web.xml to include the init option jsr160ProxyAllowedTargets with a file path to the white list. This should be an absolute path or a relative path if you know where your Jakarta EE server sets the current directory.

  • Set the system property jolokia.jsr160ProxyAllowedTargets to the path of the whitelist

  • Set the environment variable JOLOKIA_JSR160_PROXY_ALLOWED_TARGETS to the path of the whitelist.

By default the following patterns are disallowed, but you can re-enable them when providing them in the whitelist:

# Disallow all JNDI lookups via LDAP

In any case it is highly recommended to use a dedicated Jakarta EE servlet server for the JSR-160 proxy which is secured by configuring the server authentication properly for this servlet. An unprotected Jolokia proxy can be tricked to execute local code by a malicious attacker. As said previously, the Jolokia proxy should be avoided if possible in favor of direct access over the Jolokia protocol.

All client libraries (jmx4perl, Java and JavaScript) support the usage of proxy mode in its API.

[#proxy-limitations == Limitations of proxy mode

The proxy mode has some limitations compared to the direct agent mode, so it is recommended to use a direct agent deployment if possible. The limitations are:

  • There is no automatic merging of JMX MBeanServers as in the case of the direct mode. Most application servers uses their own MBeanServer in addition to the PlatformMBeanServer (which is always present). Each MBean is registered only in one MBeanServer. The choice of which MBeanServer to use has to be given up front, usually as a part of the JMX Service URL. But even then (as it is the case for JBoss 5.1) you might run into problems when selecting the proper MBeanServer.

  • Proxying adds an additional remote layer which causes additional problems. I.e. the complex operations like list might fail in the proxy mode because of serialization issues. E.g. for JBoss it happens that certain MBeanInfo objects requested for the list operation are not serializable. This is a bug of JBoss, but I expect similar limitations for other application servers as well.

  • Certain workarounds (like the JBoss "can not find MXBeans before MBeanInfo has been fetched" bug) works only in agent mode.

  • It is astonishingly hard to set up an application server for JSR-160 export. And there are even cases (combinations of JDK and AppServer Version) which don’t work at all properly (e.g. JDK 1.5 and JBoss 5).

  • For MBeans that have arguments of type Map or List it is required that org.jolokia.json.JSONObject and org.jolokia.json.JSONArray (contained in jolokia-json.jar) are available on the classpath of the target JVM that receives the JSR-160 requests.

  • The proxy mode can theoretically be exploited for local code execution if not secured properly. So its is highly recommended to not make the agent available without any authentication to any non trusted environment. Also the new whitelist feature prevents redirecting to arbitrary JMX Service URLs.

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