JVM Agent

The JVM agent is the right agent when it comes to instrument an arbitrary Java application which is not covered by the other agents. This agent can be started by any Java program by providing certain startup options to the JVM. Or it can be dynamically attached (and detached) to an already running Java process. This universal agent uses the JVM Attach API or Java Instrument API and is available for every JVM 1.6 and later.

Dynamic loading of agents will be removed at some point. See JEP 451 for details.

Jolokia as JVM Agent

The JVM agent uses the Java Instrument API for linking into any JVM at startup time. Under the hood it uses an HTTP-Server, which is available on every Oracle/Sun JVM from version 1.6 upwards.

The JDK embedded HTTP-Server is not the fastest one (it is used e.g. for the JAXWS reference implementation), but for our monitoring needs the performance is sufficient. There are several configuration options for tuning the HTTP server’s performance. See below for details.


This agent gets installed by providing a single startup option -javaagent when starting the Java process.

java -javaagent:/path/to/agent.jar=port=7777,host=localhost

agent.jar is the filename of the Jolokia JVM agent. The agent can be downloaded like the others from the download page. When downloading from a Maven repository you need to check for the classifier javaagent (i.e. the jar to download looks like jolokia-agent-jvm-2.2.7-javaagent.jar, not jolokia-agent-jvm-2.2.7.jar). Options can be appended as a comma separated list. The available options are the same as described in Servlet init parameters plus the one described in table Table 1, “JVM agent configuration options”. If an option contains a comma, an equal sign or a backslash, it must be escaped with a backslash.

Table 1. JVM agent configuration options
Parameter Description Example


Context under which the agent is deployed. The full URL will be protocol://host:port/agentContext. The default context is /jolokia.



A unique ID for this agent. By default a unique id is calculated. If provided it should be ensured that this id is unique among all agent reachable via multicast requests used by the discovery mechanism. It is recommended not to set this value.



An optional description which can be used for clients to present a human readable label for this agent.

Intranet Timebooking Server


Hostaddress to which the HTTP server should bind to. If "*" or "" or "[::]" is given, the servers binds to every network interface (the any address is used for all these 3 values). There are few use cases here:

  • -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true - using [::] or :: causes exception. When using * or, the socket is bound to any IPv4 address.

  • otherwise, each format of any address binds Jolokia socket to wildcard address accepting both IPv6 and IPv4 traffic (because Java doesn’t support IPV6_ONLY sockets)

  • when using specific IPv6 address (like 2001:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B) it can be specified with or without wrapping it in [] brackets.

localhost address, which can be (IPv4) or ::1 (::ffff: (IPv6) depending on network configuration.


Port the HTTP server should listen to. If set to 0, then an arbitrary free port will be selected.



User to be used for authentication (along with a password)


Password used for authentication (user is then required, too)


Sets the security realm to use. If the authMode is set to jaas this is also used as value for the security domain. E.g. for Karaf 3 and later, this realm should be karaf since all JMX MBeans are guarded by this security domain.



Can be either basic (the default), jaas or delegate. If jaas is used, the user and password given in the Authorization: header are used for login in via JAAS and, if successful, the return subject is used for all Jolokia operation. This has only an effect, if user is set. For authentication mode delegate, the authentication decision is delegated to a service specified by authUrl (see below for details).



If MultiAuthenticator is used, this config item explains how to combine multiple authenticators. Supported values: any at least one authenticator must match, all all authenticators must match.



Fully qualified name of an authenticator class. Class must be on classpath and must extend com.sun.net.httpserver.Authenticator. Class can declare a constructor that takes one argument of a type org.jolokia.server.core.config.Configuration in which case Jolokia runtime configuration will be passed (useful in cases where authenticator requires additional configuration). If no such constructor is found, default (no-arg) constructor will be use to create an instance.


URL of a service used for checking the authentication. This configuration option is only effective if authMode is set to delegate. This URL can have a HTTP or HTTPS scheme. The initially provided Authorization: header is copied over to the request against this URL.


Expression used for extracting a principal name from the response of a delegate authentication service. This parameter is only in use when the authMode is set to delegate. The following expressions are supported:


a path into a JSON response which points to the principal. E.g. a principal spec jason:metadata/name will select the "name" property within the JSON object specified by the "metadata" property. For navigate into arrays, numeric indexes can be used.


Always extracts an empty ("") principal. If this option is not specified, not principal is extracted.


If given, the authMode is set to delegate and the delegate URL is as HTTPS-URL then the server certificate as well as the server’s DNS name will not be verified. This useful in order to avoid (or introduce) complex keymanagement issues, but is of course less secure. By default certs a verified with the local keystore.


HTTP protocol to use. Should be either http or https. For the SSL stack there are various additional configuration options.



Size of request backlog before requests get discarded.



Threading model of the HTTP server:


Thread pool with a fixed number of threads (see also threadNr)


Cached thread pool which creates threads on demand


A single thread only



Thread name prefix that executor will use while creating new thread(s).



Number of threads to be used when the fixed execution model is chosen.



Path to the SSL keystore to use (https only)


Keystore password (https only). If the password is given embedded in brackets [[...]], then it is treated as an encrypted password which was encrypted with java -jar jvm-agent.jar encrypt. See below for details.


Whether client certificates should be used for authentication. The presented certificate is validated that it is signed by a known CA which must be in the keystore (https only). (true or false).



Secure protocol that will be used for establishing HTTPS connection (https only)



SSL keystore type to use (https only)



Key manager algorithm (https only)



Trust manager algorithm (https only)



If HTTPs is to be used and no keystore is given, then caCert can be used to point to a PEM encoded CA certification file. This is use to verify client certificates when useSslClientAuthentication is switched on (https only)


For SSL (and when no keyStore is used) then this path must point to server certificate which is presented to clients (https only)


Path to the PEM encoded key file for signing the server cert during TLS handshake. This is only used when no keyStore is used. For decrypting the key the password given with keystorePassword is used (https only).


Interval between detecting changes in certificate files. If set to a number greater than zero (it defaults to -1), Then every N seconds, Jolokia will check if the certificate files have changed. If a change is detected, entire HTTP server is restarted to use new certificate files. No JVM restart is performed.



Encryption algorithm to use for decrypting the key given with serverKey (https only)



The principal which must be given in a client certificate to allow access to the agent. This can be one or or more relative distinguished names (RDN), separated by commas. The subject of a given client certificate must match on all configured RDNs. For example, when the configuration is O=jolokia.org,OU=Dev then a client certificate’s subject must contain O=jolokia.org and OU=Dev to allow the request. Multiple alternative principals can be configured by using additional options with consecutive index suffix like in clientPrincipal.1, clientPrincipal.2, …​ Please remember that a , separating RDNs must be escaped with a backslash (\,) when used on the commandline as agent arguments. (https and useSslAuthentication only)


If switched on the agent performs an extra check for client authentication that the presented client cert contains a client flag in the extended key usage section which must be present. (https and useSslAuthentication only)


If set to true and if the agent is attached to a GlassFish server, then during startup the AMX subsystem is booted so that GlassFish specific MBeans are available. Otherwise, if set to false the AMX system is not booted.



Path to a properties file from where the configuration options should be read. Such a property file can contain the configuration options as described here as key value pairs (except for the config property of course :)


A comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names. If this configuration option is specified and is not empty, only the services from this list will be actually used.


A comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names. If this configuration option is specified and is not empty, all detected services (from /META-INF/jolokia/services(-default)) will be filtered to not include the disabled services.


A flag that disables usage of org.jolokia.server.core.detector.ServerDetector services alltogether. Can be used when running Jolokia as an agent for standalone Java applicatin (µservices).



If set to false then this agent will not listen for multicast request (multicast-group, port 24884 by default, but can configured individually). By default this option is disabled. This option can also be switched on with an environment variable JOLOKIA_DISCOVERY_ENABLED or the system property jolokia.discoveryEnabled set to true.

Default: false


Sets the URL to respond for multicast discovery requests. If given, discoveryEnabled is set implicitly to true. This URL can also be provided by an environment variable JOLOKIA_DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL or the system property jolokia.discoveryUrl.


The multicast group IP address. This group IP can be also given as an environment variable JOLOKIA_MULTICAST_GROUP or a system property jolokia.multicastGroup. The default is IPv4 address but IPv6 can also be used, for example [ff08::48:84].


The multicast port. This port can be also given as an environment variable JOLOKIA_MULTICAST_PORT or a system property jolokia.multicastPort



The list of SSL / TLS protocols enabled. Valid options are available in the documentation on SunJSSEProvider for your JDK version. Using only TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 is recommended in Java 1.7 and Java 1.8. Using only TLSv1 is recommended in Java 1.6. Multiple protocols can be configured by using additional options with consecutive index suffixes like in sslProtocol.1, sslProtocol.2, …​



The list of SSL / TLS cipher suites to enable. The table of available cipher suites is available under the "Default Enabled Cipher Suites" at the SunJSSEProvider documentation here. Multiple cipher suites can be configured by using additional options with consecutive index suffixes like in sslCipherSuite.1, sslCipherSuite.2, …​


Maximum depth when traversing bean properties. If set to 0, depth checking is disabled

Default: 15


Maximum size of collections returned when serializing to JSON. When set to 0, collections are never truncated.

Default: 0


Maximum number of objects which are traversed when serializing a single response. Use this as an airbag to avoid boosting your memory and network traffic. Nevertheless, when set to 0 no limit is imposed.

Default: 0


How to serialize long values in the JSON response: number or string. The default number simply serializes longs as numbers in JSON. If set to string, longs are serialized as strings. It can be useful when a JavaScript client consumes the JSON response, because numbers greater than the max safe integer don’t retain their precision in JavaScript.
Added since Jolokia 2.0.3

Default: number


A flag (defaults to true) which controls whether the incoming request should be included in the response (under request key).
This applies to bulk requests too, so correlation should be done by index of requests and responses (these are guaranteed to be matching).
Added since Jolokia 2.1.0

Default: true


A format specifier to use for formatting dates, calendars and instances of java.time.Temporal. Additionally we can use:

  • unix to serialize dates as Unix epoch time in seconds

  • time, millis, long to serialize dates as Unix epoch time in milliseconds

  • nanos to serialize dates as Unix epoch time in nanoseconds

Added since Jolokia 2.1.0

Default: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssXXX (ISO 8601 format)


A time zone specifier used for date formatters, like UTC
Added since Jolokia 2.1.0

Default: local time zone


Path to the XML policy file

Upon successful startup the agent will print out a success message with the full URL which can be used by clients for contacting the agent.

Attaching a Jolokia agent on the fly

Dynamic loading of agents will be removed at some point. See JEP 451 for details.

A Jolokia agent can be attached to any running Java process as long as the user has sufficient access privileges for accessing the process. This agent uses the JVM Attach API for dynamically attaching and detaching to and from the process. It works similar to JConsole or jcmd command connecting to a local process. The Jolokia advantage is, that after the start of the agent, it can be reached over the network.

The JAR containing the JVM agent also contains a client application which can be reached via the -jar option. Call it with --help to get a short usage information:

$ java -jar jolokia-agent-jvm-2.2.7-javaagent.jar --help

Jolokia Agent Launcher

Usage: java -jar jolokia-agent-jvm-2.2.7-javaagent.jar [options] <command> <pid/regexp>

where <command> is one of
    start     -- Start a Jolokia agent for the process specified
    stop      -- Stop a Jolokia agent for the process specified
    status    -- Show status of an (potentially) attached agent
    toggle    -- Toggle between start/stop (default when no command is given)
    list      -- List all attachable Java processes (default when no argument is given at all)
    encrypt   -- Encrypt a password which is given as argument or read from standard input

[options] are used for providing runtime information for attaching the agent:

    --host <host>                   Hostname or IP address to which to bind on
                                    (default: InetAddress.getLocalHost())
    --port <port>                   Port to listen on (default: 8778)
    --agentContext <context>        HTTP Context under which the agent is reachable (default: /jolokia)
    --agentId <agent-id>            VM unique identifier used by this agent (default: autogenerated)
    --agentDescription <desc>       Agent description
    --authMode <mode>               Authentication mode: 'basic' (default), 'jaas' or 'delegate'
    --authMatch <match>             If MultiAuthenticator is used, this config item explains how to combine multiple authenticators
                                     "any" -- at least one authenticator must match (default)
                                     "all" -- all authenticators must match
    --authClass <class>             Classname of an custom Authenticator which must be loadable from the classpath
    --authUrl <url>                 URL used for a dispatcher authentication (authMode == delegate)
    --authPrincipalSpec <spec>      Extractor specification for getting the principal (authMode == delegate)
    --authIgnoreCerts               Whether to ignore CERTS when doing a dispatching authentication (authMode == delegate)
    --startTimeout                  Timeout waiting for agent to start (default: 500ms)
    --user <user>                   User used for Basic-Authentication
    --password <password>           Password used for Basic-Authentication
    --quiet                         No output. "status" will exit with code 0 if the agent is running, 1 otherwise
    --verbose                       Verbose output
    --executor <executor>           Executor policy for HTTP Threads to use (default: single)
                                     "fixed"  -- Thread pool with a fixed number of threads (default: 5)
                                     "cached" -- Cached Thread Pool, creates threads on demand
                                     "single" -- Single Thread
    --threadNamePrefix <prefix>     Thread name prefix that executor will use while creating new thread(s)
                                    (default: jolokia-)
    --threadNr <nr threads>         Number of fixed threads if "fixed" is used as executor
    --backlog <backlog>             How many request to keep in the backlog (default: 10)
    --protocol <http|https>         Protocol which must be either "http" or "https" (default: http)
    --keystore <keystore>           Path to keystore (https only)
    --keystorePassword <pwd>        Password to the keystore (https only)
    --useSslClientAuthentication    Use client certificate authentication (https only)
    --secureSocketProtocol <name>   Secure protocol (https only, default: TLS)
    --keyStoreType <name>           Keystore type (https only, default: JKS)
    --keyManagerAlgorithm <name>    Key manager algorithm (https only, default: SunX509)
    --trustManagerAlgorithm <name>  Trust manager algorithm (https only, default: SunX509)
    --caCert <path>                 Path to a PEM encoded CA cert file (https & sslClientAuth only)
    --serverCert <path>             Path to a PEM encoded server cert file (https only)
    --serverKey <path>              Path to a PEM encoded server key file (https only)
    --serverKeyAlgorithm <algo>     Algorithm to use for decrypting the server key (https only, default: RSA)
    --clientPrincipal <principal>   Allow only this principal in the client cert (https & sslClientAuth only)
                                    If supplied multiple times, any one of the clientPrincipals must match
    --extendedClientCheck <t|f>     Additional validation of client certs for the proper key usage (https & sslClientAuth only)
    --disableDetectors              Whether to run detectors that locate environment-specific MBeanServer instances
    --enabledServices               A comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names.
                                    If this configuration option is specified and is not empty, only the
                                    services from this list will be actually used.
    --disabledServices              A comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names.
                                    If this configuration option is specified and is not empty, all detected
                                    services (from `/META-INF/jolokia/services(-default)`) will be filtered
                                    to not include the disabled services.
    --discoveryEnabled <t|f>        Enable/Disable discovery multicast responses (default: false)
    --discoveryAgentUrl <url>       The URL to use for answering discovery requests. Will be autodetected if not given.
    --sslProtocol <protocol>        SSL / TLS protocol to enable, can be provided multiple times
    --sslCipherSuite <suite>        SSL / TLS cipher suite to enable, can be provided multiple times
    --debug                         Switch on agent debugging
    --logHandlerClass <class>       Implementation of org.jolokia.server.core.service.api.LogHandler for logging
                                    Available classes: org.jolokia.server.core.service.impl.QuietLogHandler
    --logHandlerName <logger name>  A logger name to be used with custom logger implementation
    --debugMaxEntries <nr>          Number of debug entries to keep in memory which can be fetched from the Jolokia MBean
    --maxDepth <depth>              Maximum number of levels for serialization of beans
    --maxCollectionSize <size>      Maximum number of element in collections to keep when serializing the response
    --maxObjects <nr>               Maximum number of objects to consider for serialization
    --restrictorClass <class>       Classname of an custom restrictor which must be loadable from the classpath
    --policyLocation <url>          Location of a Jolokia policy file
    --mbeanQualifier <qualifier>    Qualifier to use when registering Jolokia internal MBeans
    --canonicalNaming <t|f>         whether to use canonicalName for ObjectNames in 'list' or 'search' (default: true)
    --includeStackTrace <t|f>       whether to include StackTraces for error messages (default: false)
    --serializeException <t|f>      whether to add a serialized version of the exception in the Jolokia response (default: false)
    --includeRequest <t|f>          whether to include entire request in the response (default: true)
    --dateFormat <format>           DateFormat to use for serializing dates/times/calendars/temporals (default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX)
    --dateFormatTimeZone <tz>       TimeZone to use for formatting dates/times/calendars/temporals (default: local time zone)
    --config <configfile>           Path to a property file from where to read the configuration
    --help                          This help documentation
    --version                       Version of this agent (it's 2.2.7 btw :)

<pid/regexp> can be either a numeric process id or a regular expression. A regular expression is matched
against the processes' names (ignoring case) and must be specific enough to select exactly one process.

If no <command> is given but only a <pid> the state of the Agent will be toggled
between "start" and "stop"

If neither <command> nor <pid> is given, a list of Java processes along with their IDs
is printed

There are several possible reasons, why attaching to a process can fail:
   * The UID of this launcher must be the very *same* as the process to attach to. It's not sufficient to be root.
   * The JVM must have HotSpot enabled and be a JVM 1.6 or later.
   * It must be a Java process ;-)

For more documentation please visit www.jolokia.org

Every option described in Table 1, “JVM agent configuration options” is reflected by a command line option for the launcher. Additionally, the option --quiet can be used to keep the launcher silent and --verbose for adding some extra logging.

The launcher knows various operational modes, which needs to be provided as a non-option argument and possibly require an extra argument.


Use this to attach an agent to an already running, local Java process. The additional argument is either the process id of the Java process to attach to or a regular expression which is matched against the Java processes names. In the later case, exactly one process must match, otherwise an exception is raised. The command will return with an return code of 0 if an agent has been started. If the agent is already running, nothing happens and the launcher returns with 1. The URL of the Agent will be printed to standard out on an extra line except when the --quiet option is used.


Command for stopping an running and dynamically attached agent. The required argument is the Java process id or an regular expression as described for the start command. If the agent could be stopped, the launcher exits with 0, it exits with 1 if there was no agent running.


Starts or stops an dynamically attached agent, depending on its current state. The Java process ID is required as an additional argument. If an agent is running, toggle will stop it (and vice versa). The launcher returns with an exit code of 0 except when the operation fails. When the agent is started, the full agent’s URL is printed to standard out. toggle is the default command when only a numeric process id is given as argument or a regular expression which not the same as a known command.


Command for showing the current agent status for a given process. The process id or a regular expression is required. The launcher will return with 0 when the agent is running, otherwise with 1.


List all local Java processes in a table with the process id and the description as columns. This is the default command if no non-option argument is given at all. list returns with 0 upon normal operation and with 1 otherwise.


Encrypt the keystore password. You can add the password to encrypt as an additional argument or, if not given, it is read from standard input. The output of this command is the encrypted password in the format [[....]], which should be used literally (excluding the final newline) for the keystore password when using the option keystorePassword in the agent configuration.

The launcher is especially suited for one-shot, local queries. For example, a simple shell script for printing out the memory usage of a local Java process, including (temporarily) attaching an Jolokia agent looks simply like in the following example. With a complete client library like jmx4perl even more one shot scripts are possible [1].


url=`java -jar jolokia-agent-jvm-2.2.7-javaagent.jar start $1 | tail -1`

used=`curl -s "${memory_url}/used" | jq .value`
max=`curl -s "${memory_url}/max" | jq .value`
echo "Memory Usage: $usage %"

java -jar jolokia-agent-jvm-2.2.7-javaagent.jar --quiet stop $1

1. And in fact, some support for launching this dynamic agent is planned for a forthcoming release of jmx4perl.
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